Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Surface Area & Volume

One of my favorite sections in Geometry is surface area and volume. It's useful in calculating real-life, 3-D objects. Check out this introductory video.  The video shows you how to draw a cross section of a cube.  We'll learn about more complicated figures later this triad.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

AP Statistics

I have been focusing on preparing my students for the AP Statistics exam and on coaching my badminton players through the playoffs. As a result, this weblog has not been updated as frequently as I'd like recently.

About 20 of my students took the exam yesterday. During their halftime break, I brought them juice and snack. As they went back into the library for the open-ended section, I picked up Costco pizza for their post-exam early dinner. Whatever the results, I'm glad that I've brought AP Statistics to this campus and to give students an opportunity to learn this wonderful subject.

Thanks to our ASB students, who made a beautiful poster to support our inaugrual AP Statistics class.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles are Congruent.  Here's an incomplete proof, try to complete it before watching the video.